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Know the Truth in my Heart

Aries Yeo • Mar 08, 2024

A journey of reflections 

In the pulsating rhythm of the bustling cityscape, where skyscrapers pierce the skyline the hum of traffic, and the dynamic blend of diverse cultures paint a vivid portrait of urban energy, a symphony of materialism and rapid living plays out. 

Welcome to this urban symphony, where change is a constant!  

Singapore, with its dynamic energy and ever-changing urban tapestry, became a reflective canvas. 

Every trip back to this city-state has been marked by new architectural wonders and evolving landscapes. The city's relentless pursuit of excellence and efficiency often mirrors the constant rhythm of the mind's logic, leaving little room for the softer nuances of the heart. 

This recent trip became more than a physical exploration; it evolved into a profound introspection, a pilgrimage to find the truth nestled within the chambers of my heart. 

Opting for the MRT of 1.5 hours over the usual cab route journey was more than a practical decision; it became a metaphorical step toward embracing the alignment within myself. 

As I settle into the train, the city's dynamic energy transforms into a rhythmic pulse, guiding my thoughts inward. The ever-moving landscape outside the window mirrors the relentless pace of life, prompting a deep reflection on my own experiences. 

In the past, this journey usually sparked a flurry of comparisons—a mental tally of achievements, progress, and societal expectations;  my past vs my present,  myself vs others.   However, as the train carves through the city, I find a newfound peace within, a departure from the need for constant comparison. 

The incessant need for external validation, the compulsion to prove oneself, and the chase after material possessions—all began to lose their grip. The train's rhythmic motion becomes a meditative backdrop, allowing me to sift through my thoughts with clarity.   The city, once a cacophony of societal pressures, transformed into a backdrop for introspection. 

In this quiet knowing, a tranquil and authentic experience of my trip gently unfolds. 

Like any individual journey, life often mirrors the challenging terrain of a desert. The arid stretches, symbolic of the adversities we encounter, can sometimes seem endless and unforgiving. 

Yet, within this metaphorical desert, each of us has the potential to emulate the extraordinary resilience of a flower that defies the odds, blooming and blossoming in the face of adversity. 

As we encounter the scorching heat of trials, the relentless winds of uncertainty, and the barren landscapes of setbacks.  The image of a flower bravely unfurling its petals in the harshest conditions becomes not just a visual metaphor but a reflection of our own journey.   

When we allow ourselves to acknowledge those unpleasant emotions, not run away but simply sit with it, allowing it to surface, acknowledge it.   

The insights will usually surface and we will then rise above each of those experience, like the flower blossoming in the desert.   Do not undermine the power of labelling it! 

It dawns upon me not with my thought but my heart that the key to inner contentment lies not in the external markers of success but in embracing the uniqueness of my own journey. The city, with all its ambitions and complexities, serves as a stage for personal growth rather than a battlefield of comparisons. 

Amidst the urban chaos, I've learned to appreciate the small, seemingly mundane moments—the fleeting glimpses of greenery between towering structures, the shared smiles with fellow commuters, and the soothing cadence of the train's movement. These moments become the petals of resilience blooming in the concrete desert. 

For those seeking a similar transformation, consider these tips: 

  1. Embrace Mindfulness in Motion: In the hustle of urban life, find moments for mindfulness. Whether during a commute or a busy day, carve out time to observe your thoughts without judgment. This practice fosters self-awareness and helps detach from the need for constant comparison. 
  2. Cultivate Gratitude for the Journey: Shift the focus from the destination to the journey itself. Acknowledge the beauty in the small victories, the lessons learned, and the personal growth along the way. Cultivating gratitude for the journey amplifies the sense of fulfillment. 
  3. Connect with Nature Amidst Urbanity: Seek out pockets of nature within the urban landscape. Whether it's a city park, a rooftop garden, or even a pot of flowers on your windowsill, connecting with nature brings moments of tranquility and serves as a reminder of life's inherent beauty. 
  4. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself on this journey. Understand that everyone's path is unique, and growth often comes with its own pace and timing. Replace self-criticism with self-compassion, allowing room for personal evolution without unnecessary comparison. 

The urban landscape may be relentless, but within its pulse lies an opportunity for personal introspection and transformation.  


This shift is not only liberating but also empowering. As I am able to find solace in the present moment and anchor myself in authenticity. 

The inner peace I've cultivated becomes a resilient foundation upon which I can build the life I truly desire. Armed with this clarity, I step forward with confidence, unburdened by the shackles of comparison, and open to the endless possibilities that await on my journey ahead. , I am ready to move ahead in my life with a newfound sense of purpose. 

I embraced the wisdom that the heart offers—a truth often drowned out by the clamor of the external world. The path to honesty within oneself isn't always easy; it requires a willingness to confront the shadows and unearth the authentic self buried beneath societal expectations. 

The journey, both physical and internal, became a testament to the power of embracing one's truth. 

As I alighted from the train, the bustling city no longer seemed like a maze of demands but a canvas awaiting the strokes of my authentic expression. 

What about you? 

Where are you now on your journey?



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