Mental Fitness Programme

Build Powerful Habits for Lasting Change


Advance your Mental Fitness

We all have experience of gaining insights during a course, workshop or class but how many of us are able to retain that learning after 2 weeks, 2 months…

Success requires intense initial practice, 


Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways ( just like when you learn to brush your teeth or tie your shoelaces for the first time). to form new habits through consistent daily practice.

And that’s what our programme is designed to empower you to do.

A mental fitness ‘Bootcamp’ that gives you the insights, motivation and structure through daily practice of just 15 minutes per day

Your Mental muscles will then be built over time, through positive habits.  The programme focuses on growing three specific mental muscles, which become visible as new neural pathways in MRI imaging with just 8 weeks of regular and consistent practice.

Breakthrough Research

This synthesis is made up of 4 areas of science, namely

-       Positive Psychology

-       Neuroscience

-       Cognitive Psychology

-       Performance Science


Validated by 500,000+ participants from 50 countries, including CEOs, students, elite athletes, and sales, operations and technology team has shown PQ to be the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential. 

Recent advances in functional MRI (fMRI), which measures how neural activity changes blood flow, have allowed scientists and psychologists to witness the real-time working of the brain for the very first time.


This has therefore, allowed us to pinpoint the regions of the brain involved in producing different thoughts or feelings and identify the neural functions involved with the activation of survival region (saboteurs) vs the thrive region (the inner sage).



Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate negative emotions when you handle life’s challenges.

Your Sage lives in an entirely different region of your brain, the middle prefrontal cortex, “empathy circuitry”, and parts of the right brain. It generates positive emotions while handling life’s challenges.

Two types of Programme

Foundation Programme (7 weeks)

o  Week 1 : Self Command Muscle

Through a breakthrough process called PQ Reps*, you get to boost your Self-Command muscle. Each PQ Rep only takes 10 seconds and can be done with eyes open or closed. With each PQ Rep, you develop greater mastery over your own mind, quiet the negative, and activate the positive region of your brain’


o  Weeks 2-3 Saboteur Interceptor Muscle

 You get to intercept your top Saboteurs the moment they try to hijack your thoughts, feelings, and actions. In preparation for this practice, you get to expose the lies, limiting beliefs and damage of your Saboteurs, so they can no longer fool you into thinking they are helpful to you


o  Weeks 4-6 Sage Muscle

You get to practice the Sage Perspective that every problem or challenge can be converted into a gift and opportunity. And you get to generate the gift through the 5 Sage Powers of Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, and Activate


o  Week 7 ; Reflection / Sustaining of Momentum



Throughout the 7 week programme you will also attend a weekly ‘POD’ session which I facilitate and in which we support our learning as a group.

Extended Programme (4 months)

The extended programme includes everything from the Foundation Programme plus:

  • Monthly 1:1 deep dive on individual issues
  • Monthly  group session for accountability and reflection on the learning
  • Use of the Grow Programme, to help you to take the muscles you had built in the 7 weeks for a variety of work and life application
  • Personal Application : stress, wellness, relationship, parenting, care giving, etc 
  • Professional Application : Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management, Creativity, Leadership

Continue to grow your mental muscles

*Click here if you would like to experience sample PQ Reps for yourself

Register and find out more

To register your interest in one of the MENTAL FITNESS programmes book your complimentary discovery session with me, or request a call-back:

Call-back / book
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