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3 Keys to Success

Aries Yeo • Nov 03, 2022

Do you have the clarity to succeed in life?

“I am not happy with my job, I thought it is what I wanted when I apply for it.  But now I know,  I really do not like what I am doing.  I am aware of the job scope but I did not expect that I would hate it.   I hate cold calling, I am feeling miserable, should I leave my job? 


What directions should I take in my career 


What are my passions? 


I wish I am like those who know what they want and go for it?” 


What a contrast to the other client where I met  the very next day who has been with me for 5 months 


We have not met for a month and she has great exciting news for me.  She told me she is going to Singapore for work (she has been wishing, wanting this for a while now) and she also told me that her company is going to sponsor for her PHD. 


I was like “wow, men, everything is coming truth for you.” 


So I asked  “What do you now know about this difference in yourself? 


She told me these what she did : 

  • Able to tell people what she wants 
  • Able to have that conversation with her Head of Department 
  • Most important of all, being clear on what she wanted 


Yes you heard correctly. 

The courage and confidence in telling others, 

The networking effects activation: the ability to act 

And most of all ‘the Knowing,  having that deep clarity from within 


I am blown away when she said that and told her that I need to put this down into a blog, pos. 


3 simple but immensely powerful points she raised. 


  1. To be clear on what you want.  Do you know what does that clarity looks like? What does that power and insight you got when you have it. 


  1. What happened to the courage, confidence when you got that clarity?  Most of us struggle with confidence or lack the courage, because of uncertainty.  When you know deep within you what’s that clarity is,  that challenge is minimised, and it becomes just a skill to pick up. 


  1. Lots of conversation with the right people:  yes when you are clear on what you want, articulating is no longer difficult.  Now and go and act upon it.  Nothing will ever come truth if no action is taken. 



3 simple Steps.   


Do you agree? 


Are you now able to go and pursue what you want? 


I know the 3 points made perfect sense – the trouble is I know it in theory, not in reality.   


You see, knowing what you really, really want is the hardest.  How many people in this world knows what they want to do in their life,  for it is much easier to know what we don’t want? 


Henceforth, the various kind of assessments like personality traits that tells of your preference style such as introversion vs extroversion, your preference style of communication, how you can adapt to the environment, to the people.      Strength profiling assessment helps in giving you a better understanding of how you utilise your strengths not only make you happy but perform better. 


Assessments are useful and beneficial, if you haven’t done any.  I would encourage you to do some – it will shine some light on your uneven path.   But, no single assessment is the key to all the answers you seek.   For we, human is a lot more complex than that. 


The point here is all these assessments have a purpose and helps in giving you a clearer picture of the WHO you are.   Ultimately, YOU are more than the few assessments.    It is the desire to begin this journey of discovery to live a life true to yourself hence the clarity. 


Once you have that full clarity, you will automatically embrace the confidence because you found YOU, there is an alignment, no longer about the indecisiveness, the uncertainties.    Because you are sure, you are passionate, you speak about it, you talk about it, and with boldness, with conviction. 


Courage surfaces and no longer the procrastination or worries.  You step forth and act upon it. 


What holds you back is the lack of courage, lack of confidence, the uncertainties, the “I don’t know” that comes from the fear outside of your comfort zone. 


What if you do know, then what happen. 


Yes, the feeling of the passions, the energy, the ease to act upon it.   


It is not the unwillingness to do what you want, it is the “I don’t know” that holds you or you thought that it is not right (because the society says so.... etc etc). and when know, is the fear of what if it did not go well.... 


So, when you know, so when you are clear 

Tell others about it   

Act Upon it (the plan/strategy) 

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